Exercising With Pets

Sometimes we want accompaniment on our quest for Joy and Health. Someone to be there for the ups and downs, the highs and lows. Someone to share the excitement with when we hit our goals and reach our milestone, and someone to share our frustration with when we don’t don’t quite make it. Someone who stands by our side, even during those low moments, so we have someone to look at and say to them, “Hey,… I can do this!” And they listen. No matter what, they listen. You know what I’m talking about. I’m talking about our pets. Our faithful companions through thick and thin. Our four-legged (or two-legged, for you bird lovers out there!) friends that are willing to put up with us, no matter what. Our workout buddies.

Burn Your Belly Beginner’s Challenge!!!

30 minutes a day, anywhere, safely. 30 minutes a day for 30 days. Let’s do it! Let’s see the real change in our health! Get off the couch! Lets do it! Add in some dancing once or twice a week. Add in laughing as much as humanly possible! Good health takes good action! We can do it!

Dance Your Way To Joy and Health!

It is hard to keep the corners of your mouth from creeping up into that joyous smile when you let loose and “cut a rug”. Dancing brings joy into us like a straight IV shot, and we feel its effects without fail. If we can Laugh Like We Are Nine, then we can Dance Like We Are Ten! And visa versa! One can almost always begat the other. Laughter and dancing are gateway drugs to feeling joy and euphoria. The act of letting your stress and worries fall away and just being in your body, in movement is enriching and empowering.

Is Drinking Tons Of Water Healthy?

We are mostly water. Our bodies are roughly 60% water. Health researchers, fitness experts, and even weight loss gurus are all saying you should drink 8 glasses of water per day. That’s eight 8 ounce glasses. They call it the 8 by 8 rule (8×8). I never really thought about it before, but, realistically, and biologically, it makes sense. If we are made up of mostly water, and we our bodies use that water to function, and some of us, like me, are moving our bodies more and more, trying to obtain better health, then we we must be using up our natural, biologic resource of water. We sweat. We use the restroom. Our bodies create new blood cells. We are using water every second to regulate temperature and maintain bodily functions. Think about it, even every breath we exhale contains moisture. It just makes sense to replenish our well.

14 Reasons You’re Still On The Couch

Let’s face it, it’s still winter and it’s cold outside. Netflix just released an awesome show and I gotta watch it. I just worked all day and my feet are sore. Today is Saturday and I just want to sleep in. I have so many chores to do, and no time to spare. I don’t wanna.

Sound familiar? Let’s be honest, we all face these thoughts or thoughts like them at some time or another. We all go through times of a lack of motivation and feeling like we just don’t wanna. When we are feeling these periods of lowness, feeling like we are in a rut, how do we get out of it? How do we pull ourselves up, get out of bed, get up off the couch, and get our bodies moving to become more healthy? Well, let’s start with the basics. Why did we want to exercise in the first place?

Laugh Like You Are Nine Again

So how do we get the honest, wholesome feeling of laughing? Remember how your whole body partook in the expression of joy? How your spine tingled with building euphoria, and your head rolled back, radiating a splash of good feelings outwards from you? Remember how your shoulders jiggled and your abdomen wriggled? Sometimes, a good laugh would even get your toes to curl!

Build Your House From The Ground Up

Our bodies really are our house. We are in them 24/7. We carry them around with us and they carry us around, day in, and day out. When we want to build our bodies, we have to start somewhere. We have to build the foundations of the future for living our lives full of JoyContinue reading “Build Your House From The Ground Up”

Listen to your body.

Sniffling… Sneezing…. Coughing…. ‘Tis the season! When we start dripping, as the cold weather sets in, the symptoms can be overwhelming! Time to listen in! Our bodies all have unique ways of telling us what’s up, through seasonal illnesses, allergic reactions, and mood swings. When we realize what’s going on with ourselves, and acknowledge whatContinue reading “Listen to your body.”

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